Thursday, February 5, 2009

A HEN party.

A night before my wedding, A group of my gfriends dropped by to take a glimpse on me before I become a wife. They actually have naughty gimmick prepared for me which was really crazy but
it was such a sweet surprise.

We had a simple and intimate dinner first.......then comes a bridal shower.
Oh by the way, another term for Bridal Shower is HEN PARTY.

It was fun. wholefully fun. Bridal Shower after all is a way of making you feel relax and calm before the Big Day. So please include that on your preparation. Have one of your friends prepare that for you.

And these are some of the sexy stuffs I received.

My Advise: Please limit your visitors before the wedding. MAximum time of fun will be up to 10pm. After that, shut the door and leave them outside.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahah!! i enjoy the photos...u sure like you're having fun, guys...