Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My happiness is.......

One of my frustrations in life is not having a good eye sight. It started way back in high-school when I had my self-inflicted lifestyle. I read books till morning, I read while lying in bed. I read with minimal amount of light. Basta, the culprit is books! ...from then on, my blurry vision just continue increasing. I became then a frequent eye-glasses wearer because I was also too squeamish to put something on my eyes.

But on my wedding day I decided to wear contact lens. I SHOULD, or else I would look really old on my wedding day.

But this is what happened when you wear a "coffee colored contact lens"... an instant Vampire! or Geisha like hahahaha

(Pls click for bigger picture)

I guess its' my poor camera that doesn't have eye reduction. haay, i can't wait for my official photos.

Hear me, heaven.. My happiness is having my previously good eyesight back! :-)


lgeorgia said...

me too :( i'm considering lasik, you? i have this fear what if mag-gubat. daghan kaayo ko dad-on, contact lens & solution, glasses etc... wahhh

Cebuposh said...

hahahahaha, hassle jud, George if mag-gubat.

lgeorgia said...

hahahaha mo lang! unta dili mag-gubat :p