Tuesday, March 24, 2009

From drab to colorful...

When I transferred to my husband's domicile right after our wedding, I wanted so many things to tackle inside the house but I haven't done it yet because I have so many things to do and so many things to consider.

Plus, i am still adjusting. But the longer I live now in our new house, the more i am forced or lets say obliged to redecorate at some point.

Just last Sunday I decided to go for one room at a time. I started with our bedroom. My husband's bedroom before was so boring and drab. I mean, it looks so manly and so serious. I want it converted to a colorful temporary space.

You know, a colorless room makes me gloomy and moody. I want our bedroom to be a relaxing and happy room and I find so much joy in bright and interesting colors.

I started with our bed sheets and comforters and curtains...here's a glimpse

I hope to show you more soon.

Now, I am having good sleep.


Unknown said...

love the color...summer kaau ang dating...

Anonymous said...

Greetings :)

aweeee... am so jealous of you :) hehe... i was planning on getting married next year, but, since we both worked as an architect, every time we design house, we always asked to ourselves when will we shop for our home and decor and etc etc... sigh*

well, i hope you're having a good time decorating your house (^_^)


Trisna's last blog post..Shit Happens

Cebuposh said...

Thanks Jen, I so like the color also. It's giving me good days.

Hi Trisna,

Wow, Congrats. You should start preparing now for your wedding. Yes, I am actually enjoying beautifying our house.